Splitting Firewood With The TEAM From YouTube O19

10 years ago

ManOfMany Thingz and Bugginin from YouTube came over one afternoon to help out at The Off Grid Project. I put them to work helping with the huge wood pile that needed to be split.

It was not all work. While one guy was using the large splitting maul, another was splitting wood with a hand ax. The third was tossing throwing knives at a stump for practice.

We alternated and took turns doing the job so each person had a chance to work, play and record what we were up to.

This huge tree was a monster to split. The logs are like rubber and the ax bounces right off of it. It takes a few hits to get a log to split in half. Once the log is split though, it splits up easily with the hand ax.

I was trying out the Gerber ax that Bison from Buggingin gave me. It is a great tool. This ax splits through the logs like nothing. Thanks Bison.

And thank you both for coming over to help out a bit at the off grid homestead. Winter is coming and I sure needed the help.

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