Designing Tiny House Gravity Feed Water System & Testing Tanks

10 years ago

I am working on my tiny house gravity feed water system. This will simply be two water tanks up in the tiny home loft which will have water in them. The water pressure from gravity should be enough to provide running water in my kitchen and bathroom sinks.

I took the tanks outside to test them for water leaks. I put in a nipple and an end cap so I could put some water in them.

I brought up 10 gallons of water from the creek in two food grade 5 gallon water jugs.

I poured a bit of water into one tank to see if it would hold water. It leaked in two places. So I tightened the fittings hoping to stop the leaks.

Unfortunately I found out that the plastic piece that holds the metal elbow pipe in place is cracked and that is leaking. This is a part of the tank itself so this water tank is eliminated from use in my tiny house water system.

I took one tank upstairs in the loft to see where it would fit best. I have two really strong walls in the loft. The floor right over the bathroom wall is built strong with 4 studs under a 5 foot span. On the back wall I have cripples all the way from the loft floor joists to the floor of the tiny house downstairs. The loft floor joists are tied into the wall studs as well. This is a very strong wall.

I will use a couple 2x8 boards from the old barn to spread out the load across more of the floor surface area under the two water tanks.

After moving things around a bit and testing various ideas I ended up with the water tanks on the back side of the tiny house parallel with the bumper of the tiny house trailer.

This seems to be the best place. This allows me to have space for bed and also a place to sit by the window upstairs and study or read a book if I want.

Now I just need to get two water tanks that will hold water tightly and I will have running water in the tiny house on wheels.

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