"Paul Clifford", Chapter 29, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton

1 year ago

"In short, Isabella, I offer you myself!"
"Heavens!" cried Isabella, "what do I hear? You, my lord?"

Castle of Otranto.


Evelina: There doesn't seem to be agreement on the pronunciation of this name. I've heard two different and equally trustworthy pronunciations, one from a woman with that name, and the other in a Bing Crosby song, and they don't agree. I don't know. I went with the one that sounds nicer to me, but that's just personal preference and I understand others may feel differently. Fortunately it's just a passing reference and not the main character of the story, so nothing worth getting worked up about.

Anyways, I assume that's a reference to the novel "Evelina, or the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World" by Fanny Burney, published in 1778.

cavil: make petty or unnecessary objections

The picture used is from a toffee tin, of all things, circa 1800, of a soldier courting a lady playing a harpsichord. What a find!

To follow along: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/7735/7735-h/7735-h.htm#link2HCH0029

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