Update And Overview Of My Tiny House Construction So Far O13

10 years ago

This is an overview and recap of my tiny house construction up to this day. I cover what has been done so far and what my expectations are for moving in. I also talk about what needs to be done yet before that day comes.

The tiny house has been under construction since August. This house is going up quite fast considering that I had no prior knowledge of construction before I started this project.

I have the living room nearly finished now. The kitchen counter is taking some time to finish due to a few setbacks. But I will get it all finished up soon enough.

I still need to shield the wood stove properly before I can use it on a daily basis. I am also going to finish the walls behind it. There will be a cement board wall with tiles on it between the wood stove and the wood paneling.

When the kitchen counter top is finished then I can actually start to use the tiny house on wheels. I cannot use it when I am coating the counter with polyurethane because of two things. One, the fumes are dangerous to be inhaling in such a close space. Two, when I am moving around in there, I kick up dust which will mess up the finish.

After the counter is finished then I can use a curtain underneath and start using it as storage.

I need to put a little bit of insulation up in the loft yet but after that is finished I can clean up the loft and use it. I have to be finished with the insulation though before I really spend any time up there. Then I have to clean the entire house thoroughly. This will get the dust, dirt and fiberglass fibers out of the air.

I figure that I can be using the tiny house in about a week.

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