Progress Update At The Off Grid Homestead

9 years ago

I have not uploaded a video in a few days so here is an update at The Off Grid Homestead.

I was gone for a few days attending a wedding in Canada so I was not able to get any video work done during this time.

Friday I had been working out on the homestead cleaning up in front of the truck camper but I did not use my camera at all that day. I was in a real hurry to get stuff off the ground before leaving for Canada that day.

I managed to do my laundry and also get all my outdoor and survival gear off the ground. This was the entire contents of my survival truck camper which I am selling.

Literally everything was outside in the ground and rain was on the way so I had to work fast.

I also explain why I put the wood out in a pile not far from where it sat the last year. I want it to dry out in the sun before I put it out behind the wood shop tent. Back there it will not dry out as well. And I cannot use my truck because for one the fuel pump is shot and also I cannot get it past the huge rock in front of the tiny house on wheels anyway. I will have to hand carry the wood out there after it is dry.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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