MakIng Organic Sourdough Starter In My Off Grid Home

10 years ago

This is a very simple homemade organic sourdough bread starter. All you need is flour, water and a container with a lid to make your own all natural sourdough starter mix.

Start with a container with a couple holes in the lid. I found mine at the dollar store and it is designed for microwave use. The lid has a button on top which can be lifted up allowing expanding air inside the container to escape.

The natural yeast in the starter mix will give off gasses which need to escape.

Add one cup flour and one cup of water to the container and mix well. Cover it and let it sit in a warm, dark place for 24 hours.

Every 24 hours afterwards remove half of the starter mix and add one half cup of flour and one half cup of water. Mix well.

If you see any separation of water or brown fluid, simply mix it in.

In a few days you will see a lot of bubbles forming on top of the container. This is the natural yeast in the air doing its job and growing a colony in your starter mix.

After about 5 to 7 days your sourdough starter mix should be ready to use. Mine was separating within 24 hours and tastes very sour. This is a good sign. It is called sourdough after all.

I tried a sample of the sourdough starter mix with some flour and water to see how it rises. My little test bread did quite well.

I will make another video showing how to use your new sourdough bread starter mix and how to make sourdough bread.

For now, put your sourdough bread starter in the fridge and keep it cold. Feed it once in a while to keep it going until you need it.

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