Working On My Homemade Tiny Home Pallet Wood Shake Style Siding

9 years ago

This is part two of the video when I was working on the tiny house pallet wood shake style siding.

I just kept working along all day. With interruptions from chickens being attacked, animals needing tending and other homestead chores I did not get as far as I had hoped.

I figure that with the system I am using I could do a quarter of the front of the tiny house in a single day.

I think it is looking quite awesome and I am very pleased with the results.

I had to cut a bunch of pallets in order to keep going. It seems that the rest of my wood pallets are all darker and more aged wood but it looks fine on the tiny house.

The pallet wood siding will be coated in an oil based preservative when I get it all on the wall. This should keep out bugs and protect it from the elements.

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