Our Hearts

2 years ago

God takes a sharp edged heart of stone and makes it into a beautiful shiny, smooth rock, with its own unique design that stands out for all to see, a shape only He could create. All throughout our lives God uses what we human beings will stereotype as good things or bad things to shape our lives in His character, He changes our hearts through the life experiences He brings us to and purposefully through.

When I looked at these beautiful stones on the beach near the Mediterranean Sea, I could only imagine what they had been through to be shaped and smoothed as they were.
God spoke to my heart and said: “Your heart is like these stones. If you look at the stones they have these peculiar veins running through the stone. He said, imagine that these deposits are My character worked into the stoney heart through life situations. I leave My mark, My deposit of my character throughout your heart and it can be seen by others. I am a transformer of hearts, I change things up. If you could see your heart, it looks like this stone, I have smoothed out its rough edges, and my character has been embedded in the stone and softened your heart into a design that only You have.”

I thought about that as I looked at these stones with all the different colored veins running through them. Only God could have designed these stones, only God can transform our hearts through the things in this life He grows us through, shaping us to be better and have a more beautiful heart than we could ever hope for or imagine in our human condition.

God shapes our hearts through what He brings us to in this life. Whatever condition our hearts may be in, whatever situation we find ourselves in, God is using it, depositing His character in our hearts, softening our hearts, purifying our hearts and shaping our hearts to be beautiful, unique and special so people no longer see a stoney, jagged, hard heart, they see a beautifully designed heart, soft, smooth, pliable and responsive to the touch of God. Our hearts are His masterpiece, so open them wide to Him and let God work, shape us in with the method of His choice. We trust God with our hearts.
Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/completely-satisfied/ https://rumble.com/vowwev-whose-i-am.html Psalm 139:14-18

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