Beautiful Michigan Truly Has The Hand Of God On It

9 years ago

After returning to the US from my Ireland visit, I went with my parents to their cabin in the woods for some peace and recovery. Michigan is so peaceful and beautiful. I still think it is the most amazing place on the Earth.

The lake is so pretty and calm at night. It has a mirror surface. During the day it is always quite windy out there but in the evening the wind always dies down and you get the sunset on the mirror surface of the water.

It helps you unwind after a busy day - or even week touring.

I spent a few days in Michigan recovering from the busy touring. Goliath Mann and I had spent 16 hour and longer days out sight seeing in Ireland. This gave us little time for rest but we wanted to enjoy every minute of it.

Now I needed to rest and recover before my return to the off grid homestead.

Michigan is shaped like a hand. Many people who live there say it is the hand of God himself due to its beauty and peace. The entire state is surrounded by the largest fresh water lakes in the World. There are pure sandy beaches all around the entire state. You can drive along the outside of the state along M25 and view the water the entire way.

It is quite an amazing place to live. I am happy that I have my second home there.

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