Freeing My Chickens After Bad Snow Storm And Winter Egg Harvest

10 years ago

Monday during the big snow storm I had to literally dig out the chickens at the off grid homestead. The chickens were covered with about 8 - 10 more inches of snow with more falling by the minute.

I had to dig my way into the chicken coop first. I used the snow blower to clear off pathways around the property which did not take long really.

Next I grabbed the shovel and started to work at freeing the chickens.

This was a lot of hard, manual labor and I had to use the shovel because the door is too narrow to get the snow blower through.

In the spring one of my projects is to build a wider gate to the chicken run so I can simply bring equipment in there if needed.

You can see the minute I freed the chickens because they all came out running to the front gate waiting for their food.

As I eventually worked my way to the chicken tractor I found three eggs. Now this is funny but many people are saying that my chickens do not lay eggs and that the eggs I cooked the other day were fake.

Well, these are certainly real. And I could not have planted them there the night before because they would have frozen and cracked to pieces in the night.

Anyway, I got three eggs in the chicken tractor and another two eggs in the smaller chicken coop.

I made a big deal out of pulling up my sleeves to show that there was nothing hidden up my sleeves before I reached into the chicken coop to remove another two eggs.

I got five eggs today during a heavy snow storm.

My girls are taking care of me quite well. Well all but one of them anyway. One of the hens is not laying eggs at all. And none of the bantams are laying eggs yet.

I generally get 4 to 5 eggs per day but usually its 5.

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