Building A Wagon To Move My Solar Forklift Battery Bank Failed

10 years ago

My first attempt to move the 700 pound forklift battery over to my solar powered tiny house failed due to my brand new wheels from HF being bad.

I bought four brand new 10 inch wheels from HF to build a pallet wood wagon for my forklift battery. I figured that a 1200 pound capacity wagon would be good to have around the off grid homestead anyway after this project was finished.

The wheels were on sale for only $4 so I went ahead with the plan. But when the time came to pump up the tires, two out of four batteries did not hold air. These are tube filled tires and the inner tubes on two of the tires did not hold air at all.

I am quite surprised at this fact. Two out of four bad tires is not expected at all.

I tried to move the forklift battery anyway using my new homemade wagon with two flat wheels but it failed miserably. I did not have enough ground clearance to keep the pallet out of the snow. The front hit the snow and dug in. This forklift battery was not going anywhere on this day.

I put the chain on the battery for now and raised the engine hoist a bit to put tension on the battery so it would not tip over during the night. This is where I had to leave it for now.

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