A Drive Thru Manila Philippines ~ Riches & Poverty ~ Beautiful Country

9 years ago

Melanie and I were on a long adventure through the Manila area of the Philippines. During this trip we took various modes of transportation ranging from a bus (van) to a bicycle to a tricycle (moped). I used the time to record all the various scenes we passed along the way.

Manila is a city of extremes. It is beautiful and has a certain magnetic draw to it. I fell in love with the city during my stay. But there are both extreme riches and severe poverty - often side by side.

Along the water ways you see some shacks and huts that are tiny little homes for entire families who make their living off the water.

Driving along the outskirts of the city you see areas that look just like Queens, NY with all the businesses along the road ways.

There are also apartment complexes which you can find in any large city.

And there are extremely rich areas in the city center.

Often you find poor families living in huts or shacks thrown together with any materials they can find, scattered along the roads. The children beg for money or sell small objects to provide for the family.

I fell in love with the people during my stay and often emptied my pockets of loose coins to give to the children living on the streets. You cannot help but to feel for these people.

Almost everywhere I went, I was stared at openly and many people waved and said "hello sir". Most of the people love Americans it seems and show a lot of respect.

Although it is quite a poor country with armed military, police and security guards all over the place, I felt no sense of danger or fear anywhere I went. As long as you dont flaunt your camera or cell phone, you should be safe on the streets of Manila. Granted I did not go out after dark very much outside the streets by my hotel. I was known there and felt very welcome.

I also made sure to buy my groceries and supplies from the nearby vendors and shops to support the local people.

I feel drawn to this city and I will most likely go back one day. I cannot really explain why I love the place but for one thing the people are kind and simple. They accept you easily and make you feel at home in Manila.

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