Off Grid Homestead Overview On A Wet Spring Day & Something New

9 years ago

It was a wet dark day at the off grid homestead. Solar power was low. But it was relatively warm outside. I did a walk through the meadow checking out plants to see what is growing and what is not. And I have something new and special at the homestead.

I was only bringing in about 49 watts of solar power on a cloudy and wet day. You need sun to produce solar power and I had very little of both on this day.

I took a walk through the garden after chasing off a deer which likes to munch on my apple trees. After the deer left I found two ticks on my pant legs. The ticks are out in force already this year. I kill every single one I find on me to reduce the amount of ticks that can get back on me. They will wait on something that I touch daily and just sit there until I come back. Ticks carry lymes disease and are deadly.

Some of my fruit trees are starting to bud out finally. My two little apple trees might not make it. Time will tell. The deer munched on them before I got them protected after planting last year and then I just never got around to it after the damage was done. If they bud out then I will put up protective deer fencing around them.

I have some new baby chicks at the homestead. TSC was selling them for a dollar each again so I grabbed six more Silkies. They are so cute. I will raise them for sale. I plan to keep the best for myself to breed them and sell off the rest.

I experimented with the lettuce plants that I bought a while back. One batch went up in the tiny house window and the rest stayed in the containers they came in, outside. The ones upstairs in the tiny house did not grow. But the ones outside in the cooler air did well. So I brought out the others as well to let them grow and provide me with food. I was already eating some of the leaves from the ones outside.

In the evening I had pancakes cooked on a cast iron skillet. This is an antique skillet I got for about $5 a long time ago and never used yet.

I cooked up some buttermilk pancakes and put some of my homemade maple syrup over top of them. It was like a piece of heaven. They are so good and the homemade syrup is incredible. It is that much better because I made it myself.

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