Off Grid Baby Chickens Update & Started Gardening

9 years ago

Having a look at how I am raising my chicks off the grid with now power. And I started gardening today - finally.

I have been raising chicks all spring with now power. Fully off the grid. I have no heat lamps and no heaters. All I use is my wood stove to heat my tiny house on wheels and I keep the older chicks to warm the younger ones.

By rotating out the largest of the chicks to the outdoor chicken tractor and keeping the medium sized chicks in with the newly hatched I can keep the tiny ones warm enough without too much heat in the off grid tiny home.

The first week for the chicks I have to keep it about 80 degrees for them upstairs. This is not too hard though with the solar gain during the day and the heat from the wood stove raising during the night.

During the second week I can keep the temperature around 74 degrees F and the chicks will be fine.

On the third week I can keep it room temperature and they are just fine.

By the fourth week they can go outside with the larger chicks. I have to put them in bed at night by hand and tuck them in with the others and they survive all the cold nights of spring.

I have not lost any chicks this way yet. The only ones I lost died on the way home from the store one day.

I am planting edible flowers and herbs in my rock garden. I am putting edible violas and pansies in with the herbs. Both types of flowers are perfectly safe to eat and are very good.

I also have mint and other herbs to plant in my rock herb gardens. The two huge boulders out in front of my tiny home will have a rock border around them. Inside the ring of rocks I put my herbs and flowers.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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