Building My Pallet Wood Chicken Tractor Door On A Fine Sunny Day

9 years ago

Building the door of my chicken tractor on wheels. It has been warm and sunny so I am working hard to get my pallet wood chicken tractor finished before a hawk gets my Bantams.

The hawks have been attacking about 6 to 8 times per day now starting at about 5:30 am and going until dusk.

I am working full blast to finish my Bantam tiny chicken house on wheels so I can get them in there and safe from death from above. Plus this chicken tractor must be safe from other ground predators as well.

I built the door of the chicken coop today using all recycled pallet wood. This entire project is made out of recycled pallets I got for free.

The entire half of the chicken coop lifts up so that I can access the eggs and easily clean out the chicken coop as needed. Plus I can reach in and grab some chickens if I want.

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