Started Clearing Out My Garden To Prepare For Planting

9 years ago

After repairing the weed eater the next thing was to use it and trim all around the electric fence line. The weeds were touching the wire and will soon short it out completely. I also worked a bit in the garden to prepare for planting this season.

We have had the danger of freezing nights up to a week ago so I could not safely plant. I actually lost some plants already to freezing one night when I did not expect it.

We have had fluctuating temperatures ranging from 100 degrees down to 30 degrees. One day can be hot and the next cold.

But now the danger of frost is over and it is time to get the garden planted.

I used the weed trimmer and cut a row in the garden down so that I can start working in there. The weeds were already over 3 feet high. After the rain we had recently the weeds got a spurt of growth and took off.

I have a lot of fine vegetables and leafy greens that I am still eating from last year's planting. My root vegetables did not grow last year but are still producing edible greens this year. Some are huge bushes with flowers that are attracting bees and pollinators to my garden.

I have a lot of wild edibles as well growing in my garden such as wild garlic, wild plantain and dandelion.

My herb garden took right off this year. I had planted some herbs last year and they are doing very well now.

I hope to get my garden in during the next two weeks. It will be a lot of work but I plan to get everything planted. There is still time because it is normally warm up until late October and sometimes into November.

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