Partridge Berry Or Squaw Berry A Special Wild Edible

9 years ago

Partridge Berry, also known as Squaw Berry, is a tiny evergreen plant that grows close to the ground in shady forest floors. This berry has long been used to ease child birth in women as well as to regulate their cycles. This little plant looks much like wintergreen but is different in many other ways.

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The native American Indians were aware of the medicinal uses of the tiny Partridge Berry.

I enjoy the little berries as a treat when I find them on the forest floor. The fruit texture is like the meat of an apple. It looks and feels the same on the tongue. The berry has a very mild sweet taste.

The flowers are about an inch long and can be found in the Spring in pairs. In the fall each pair of flowers forms a single red berry. These berries last all winter and can often be found into Spring and early Summer.

The Partridge Berry, or Squaw Berry was used by the Native American Indians to ease child birth, reduce the chance of miscarriage, reduce monthly cramps and regulate the female cycle.

The Partridge Berry is a pretty evergreen ground cover which is often overlooked. This would be a valuable addition to shady places in any garden.

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