Using 3M Lead Test Kit On My Free Reclaimed Barn Wood

9 years ago

I received a 3M lead test kit in the mail from a friend a while back but never got a chance to test for lead in the paint of the old barn wood that I got delivered here last fall. Sadly the snow and ice covered everything and it never melted until just a couple weeks ago.

I waited until the wood was dry before testing it for lead.

Soon after I got the wood delivered we had a major ice storm which covered everything under a thick coating of ice. Then we had snow all winter which just stayed until recently. This is unusual since we normally have snow, then melt, then snow, them melt and so on.

This test kit says to break two vials inside, one on each end. Then shake it to mix the chemicals.

Next you squeeze the tube gently until the liquid comes out onto the tip of the tester.

Then you rub the tester on the paint to be tested for lead for about 30 seconds.

If the end turns red then there is lead present in the paint.

I had one big problem. The paint on my old barn is red and oxidized. This means that some paint will come off on the tester. But I tried it out on a q-tip to see how it would look first.

When testing for lead I could see the oxidized paint on the end but no chemical reaction. If lead had been present then the chemicals would have reacted to the paint on the end and visibly turned red in color.

I am quite sure that there is no lead in the old barn wood that I have out here at the off grid homestead.

I can now go ahead with tiny house construction using the reclaimed barn wood. And I can burn anything not worth saving.

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