Kittens Fell Inside The Walls Of My Tiny House Part 1

9 years ago

I was working upstairs and finishing off the tiny house lift. If just one more day had passed this could never have happened. But the mother cat took her kittens upstairs into the loft and they fell into the walls of my tiny house on wheels.

For some reason she took the kittens to the unfinished corner of my tiny house. I was finishing that very room on this very day. Well, I was going to anyway.

What happened though was that the mother cat pushed her kittens into the insulation up inside the wall. She was laying on the floor of the loft. The downstairs insulation ended there. She must have felt that it was comfortable and cozy to push the kittens into the insulation.

The fell inside the walls between the insulation and the radiant foil.

Tim was visiting and had intended to help with construction.

Instead he was helping with demolition.

I used my circular saw to cut a hole in the kitchen wall above the counter where we heard the kittens. Tim with his climbing fingers ripped the OSB off the wall after I had put in a relief cut.

Sadly, maybe due to all the noise, the kittens fell down deeper into the walls of my tiny house. They fell all the way to the floor.

So we had to empty the area under the kitchen counter. This meant also removing all my power lines, fuse boxes and connectors from under the counter area.

The tiny house had no power now.

I used my circular saw to cut a shallow slit into the OSB under the kitchen counter. I was hoping not to cut into the kittens but cut deep enough to get the OSB out of there.

Watch for part two of the kitten extraction....

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