Finished Chicken Fence Installation & The Off Grid Homestead

9 years ago

I finally finished installing the chicken wire around the entire meadow. This is the first part of tick proofing my home and free ranging my chickens. Next I have to set up an electric fence outside the chicken wire and set up gates to allow me to enter and leave the property.

Chris came over and worked on my car brakes. He changed the pads and rotors for me. I had warped a rotor recently while driving down a mountain. The car was shaking very badly when driving and felt like it was going to self destruct when braking. I am not exaggerating either.

While Chris worked on the car I cleared out all the trees and debris in the way of me finishing the fence.

Earlier in the morning some friends were over and helped clear out the widow maker. This is a huge tree leaning against another tree. I did not have the experience to safely remove this. My experienced friends came over. Cut it up, and left.

When I got all the trees and debris cleared out Chris was finished with the car. We took it for a test drive and it handles like a brand new car. Thanks Chris.

Chris stayed to help set up the last two rolls of chicken wire. This was 300 feet of wire. He held up the rolls for me to nail the wire to the trees. This helped a lot without the wire flopping all over on me.

We finally finished the wire around 4 pm and cleaned up. I was finished as well. This was a very labor intensive job. I am not a lumber jack and moving trees all day for days on end is quite exhausting work for me. I went to bed to rest.

Next I will get the garden planted before my plants die on me. Then on to the electric fence.

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