Tick Proofing My Homestead Nearing Completion

9 years ago

I had planned to finish the chicken fence this day but I ran out of two things: staples and time. I am getting close now though. The chickens eat ticks and will free range. This means I have to spend less money on chicken feed and the chickens will naturally protect me from the ticks.

I have about 900 feet done now.

My biggest problem is that there is a huge tree that I had cut which is hanging on another huge tree. This is called a widow maker. This type of situation is very dangerous.

I will tackle this tree tomorrow.

There are also a lot of downed trees, brush and debris in the path of the last stretch of the chicken fence. This will be the most work so far.

Once I have the chicken fence finished I will run electric fence along the entire outside of that. This will keep out predators and other animals which want to eat my chickens and which carry ticks.

The fence is almost finished. It has been a lot of work but I am so happy to see it coming along so well now.

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