How To Protect Young Trees From Deer & Rabbits & Small Animals

9 years ago

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This is a very simple way to protect your young trees and shrubs from deer, rabbits and other small rodents.

I used fiberglass stakes but you can use metal stakes, wood or even saplings cut and driven into the ground.

You should form a square border around your tree with four stakes. Drive them deeply into the ground so that they will remain standing and endure your local winds and weather.

The stakes should be about 2 to 3 feet away from the tree on all sides. This keeps the tree out of the reach of hungry deer which have long necks.

Use deer netting or chicken wire to form the protective barrier around the tree. I start with the roll and fasten it to one stake. You can use baling wire or the ends of the chicken wire if that is what you are using. Even zip ties or bread ties will work.

Run the wire or netting around each corner post and tie it in place as you go. When using chicken wire I like to press and form the corners for a nice neat look.

When you come back around to the starting point then you can cut the roll of deer netting or chicken wire and fasten the end onto the stake.

Now you are safe from deer. But to protect your tree from rodents and rabbits you have to go another step further.

Drive stakes in the ground in between the supporting posts. These can be tent stakes or even twigs or tree branches driven into the ground. The idea is to hold the netting down tight to the ground to stop rodents from getting in.

Now if you have rabbit problems you will need to run some chicken wire along the ground, laying flat on the ground and extending about a foot out. This needs to be run all around the outside of your protective barrier. This keeps rabbits from digging underneath the wire to get at your tasty tree.

Thats it. Your tree is safe from predators.

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