Antique Pots Hanging On Rustic Barn Wood Post In Tiny House

9 years ago

I hung all my cast iron frying pans and my pots on the old rustic barn wood post in my tiny house on wheels. I looks very rustic and I love it. Plus its quite practical.

I have some large slightly rusted nails that I used to hammer into the barn beam. This was a beam from an old barn that was torn down. I used it as a supporting post for my tiny house loft.

The rusted nails add to the rustic look of the place. My antique cast iron cookware looks very nice hanging on the post.

My stainless steel pots hang on another side of the post. Now I have the counter top finally cleared off. All these pots and pans have been sitting around on the counter top all this time.

Next, after a break I cleaned out the kitchen cabinet over the stove top. This has been full of tools, electronics, screws and nails since I built them. Now it is time to reclaim my kitchen and repurpose it for what it was built for. A kitchen.

I moved all the tools, screws and nails out to the workshop tent outside the meadow.

Then I was able to organize the kitchen a little bit. It is looking so much better in here already.

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