Thank You All Chicken Range Expansion Will Move Forward

9 years ago

I want to thank everyone who bought a T-Shirt or supported The Off Grid Project in some way. I have received enough funds to get the chicken range expanded to cover the entire meadow as planned.

I got exactly what I needed to extend the chicken range to cover the entire meadow, out into the woods a bit on all sides.

This will allow the chickens to free range about 9 - 10 months out of the year. And this will allow the chickens to eat all the ticks and other pests from the meadow, leaving it safe for guests and myself.

Plus my animals will be able to run free out in the yard with no danger from ticks. The cats and the dog will be perfectly safe within a few weeks of my releasing the chickens into the yard.

The chicken wire is already on order and I am waiting for it to come in.

I will also have an electric fence running around the entire perimeter of the meadow to keep predators away.

I plan to build a large chicken mansion on wheels immediately after finishing the chicken range. This will be large walk in chicken coop with egg laying nests and roosts for all the chickens to come and go as they please.

The chicken mansion will be on a trailer which I already bought last year for the project.

Again, thank you to all who bought a T-Shirt or donated towards this project.

And thank you to all my viewers for being there and watching.

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