Scorching Hot Day & The Homestead But Got A Lot Done

8 years ago

It has been a scorcher here at the homestead the last few days with temps in the high 90s by mid day each day with high humidity. But we are plugging along and getting a lot done at the off grid homestead anyway.

The off grid solar battery bank has been hitting float mode every day now but we are also being very careful with the power. I upload my video in the morning and pretty much leave the power off for the day other than checking a few comments now and then during a break.

Other than that we charge our cell phones and tablets as needed.

We went out in the afternoon hours to get a truck load of 2x6 cedar lumber that came off an old deck. We can pick up the entire lot for free so we are going to get it. We can build a lot with this wood. One thing we are going to build with it is the roof of the wood shed.

We also hope to build the greenhouse framing with this wood and then put a cedar deck out behind it.

It hit 104 degrees F while we were out on the road so when we got back to the homestead we had to turn on the air conditioner.

Chris has been working hard out by the wood piles straightening things up. We are still cutting down trees as we go to make more room and increase solar power production.

It is looking pretty good back there.

The goats are quite happy now and settled in already. They get all sorts of extra treats throughout the day such as tree leaves, which they love very much.

While Chris and I were out hauling wood home, which took 4 hours round trip, Melanie worked in the garden. She actually sat down and worked through half the garden at one time weeding the entire area. She weeded out between the plants and even weeded out the walkways. She weeded out that carpet of weeds around the corn.

Then she started hauling leaves to put around and in between the plants to prevent weeds from growing back. This also provides nutrients for the plants as the leaves decay and they hold in moisture.

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