Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-1-23: The Lesson of Achan

1 year ago

What is it about the church today; why is it the walk believers have with Jesus Christ has such little power? Not only that, why do so many Christians seemingly have such little favor and so few blessings from the Lord?

The reason is plain as day in the writings of the Old Testament, yet because some pastors want to “unhitch” Christians from the Old Testament and so few people consistently, regularly read the entire Bible, the answer is hidden and available only to those who seek out the Lord through His holy Word.

God wants to bless those He calls His own. He wanted to bless Israel – His Chosen People. He wants to bless us who have been saved by the blood of the Lamb. But, He cannot – will not – pour out His favor and blessings because of a very simple step so many of us miss in the Christian life.

We’ll explore this easily remedied aspect of our relationship with God today as we study in the book of Joshua what I call The Lesson of Achan. Additionally, we’ll see what the implications are for these final days prior to the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the church.

First, we pray, then read from God’s Word. After that, we’ll study how to change the circumstances many of us face. Perhaps this will be of help to some folks.


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Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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