Off Grid Tiny House Solar Power Details & Explanation

9 years ago

Explaining my tiny house solar power. How many panels I have, their locations and why. How much power the panels produce in a day and why. Future plans and improvements.

I have two sets of 600 watt solar panels set up in two locations in my meadow. One set catches morning sunlight and the other set catches afternoon sunlight.

My MPPT solar charge controller can only handle a maximum of 800 watts of solar panels. With 600 watts, I cannot go higher because I keep seeing an over current condition in peak sunlight hours.

So I set up two sets in order to catch maximum sunlight at various times of the day.

I am in the middle of a meadow so I do not get all day sunlight like many homes do. My system is not the best. Your solar power system will certainly out perform mine. So do not be discouraged when you see the numbers I am bringing in.

I only get about 2,000 to 2800 Watt Hours of solar power per day right now. This is not the best situation. Again, I am surrounded by trees and only get a few hours of peak sunlight per day.

I will eventually cut down more trees to increase my overall solar power production.

I plan to build an insulated shed out behind my tiny house on wheels to contain the solar forklift battery bank. I am using a forklift battery to store the energy from my solar panels and then feed that energy back into my tiny house as needed.

My forklift battery is rated at 750 Amp Hours and 12 Volts DC.

In winter the insulated battery room will keep my forklift batteries warm and comfy while in summer they will be kept at a cooler temperature. This will maximize their life and also the amount of power they can provide me each day.

I currently leave my laptop running all day and into the night. My power inverter is never shut off and my modem runs 24/7 now.

I have power to charge multiple Ryobi power tool batteries and keep my small electronic devices topped off every day.

I use AA, AAA, C and D rechargeable batteries to power many LED lights and other devices. These get charged up off my main solar power battery bank.

I also have LED lighting in my tiny house on wheels which provides me enough light to see by in the evenings. These lights are powered by my forklift battery bank.

I also keep my electric razor charged up on the solar power.

I can cut my own hair as needed using the AC power from my power inverter.

There is a 10 inch 12 volt DC fan running 24/7 inside my tiny house these days as well to keep fresh air flowing in the tiny home.

That about sums up the power I am using in my tiny house on wheels.

I do plan to get another solar charge controller to increase my usable energy even further.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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