Happy Homestead Barter System & Craigslist Finds & Packages Arrived

9 years ago

I spent half the day running around making deals and bartering for goods the other day. I came home with a car load of stuff from bartering and craigslist.

A friend of mine gets a lot of good deals on equipment, hardware and other odds and ends. He works with me trading work or rent for his camper in exchange for equipment.

I got a mess of hardware that I can use working on the tiny house on wheels. My favorites were the porcelain and brass drawer pulls and the antique cast iron coat hooks. Plus a couple antique items I will display in the tiny home.

My tiny house on wheels will be decorated with antique decor.

I also got two antique steamer trunks. One for Melanie which is in very good condition and another for myself which was sadly painted red. I dont know of a way to get the red paint off so I will probably paint it OD green and use it for storage.

The one for Melanie cleaned up nicely with just a rag and water. She can polish the metal and oil the wood herself if she wants. This will make it more fun and personal for her.

Another huge deal was a hydraulic hand powered log splitter which also has an air compressor attachment. This is a very useful tool for the off grid homestead. When the grid goes down there will not be any more gas for running a gas engine powered log splitter. Using a hydraulic log splitter will make my job easier off the grid.

I also got a huge craigslist haul a week ago and am only just now removing it all from the car. I have a roofing nailer, finishing nailer, stapler, long air hose and a mess of nails and staples. This was all for only $80 on CL. This will greatly help me when working on the tiny house shed this fall.

Some packages arrived in the mail as well. I got two brand new original Ryobi saw blades!! This is an amazing gift! I love my Ryobi and the original blade lasted a long time and cut through anything I threw at it. Whoever sent this - THANK YOU.

Goliath Man from Ireland also sent me a large box with some nice surprises in it. There were a lot of pamphlets for tourist attractions. I think he wants me to visit again soon. lol.

There was a great surprise in the form of a car dash camera. This has a collision sensor to make it record on impact in an accident. It also has a motion sensor to make it record in a parking lot if someone approaches the car. And you can record while driving down the road if you want.

There was some of that good Irish coffee as well. And an awesome homemade wall clock that Goliath Man made himself. It is the map of Ireland cut out of wood in all its detail. Thank you!!!!

Valley Food Storage sent me some sample packs of some survival foods that are all natural. This is a surprise. I had no idea there was such a thing. These packages contain 5 servings each and are shelf stable for 25 years. This is amazing.

I cant wait to try out all these meals. These are all natural and healthy meals. Most survival food meals are full of chemicals and junk to make them shelf stable. Valley Food Storage meals contain just all natural food. I am so amazed at this.

I will do a full review on the products as I try them out.

Thank you Valley Food Storage: https://valleyfoodstorage.com

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