Toughest Brake Job Ever On My 99 Olds Aurora

9 years ago

The rear brakes on my 99 Oldsmobile Aurora were very bad so I finally took a day to replace them. The rotors were warped from driving down a steep mountain on a hot summer day so they wore the brake pads badly.

I had the parts in the trunk of the car for a while now but I dreaded doing the job. I cannot see paying a mechanic to do a job that normally takes an hour so I decided to do it myself on this unusually warm December day.

I figured it would take two hours at the most if I ran into problems but I had to get it done.

The rear drivers side went relatively well. I say relatively because I had no idea how these brakes went together. I have worked on many, many antique and classic vehicles in the years but never one like this.

I had researched online first to see how these brakes work so I had an idea. But real life things always look a bit different than on a photo on the internet.

I am lucky that all the parts had been coated with anti seize compound in the past so the bolts came off easily.

The problem is when I got to the point where I had to compress the brake cylinder. This type of brake cylinder must be screwed back in rather than compressed like all the other ones I ever worked on.

I did not have the special too for the job so I used a screwdriver and hammer. It did the job but it sure took a long time. It was late in the afternoon by the time I finally had one side of the vehicle finished.

On the second part of the video, coming soon, I will show more details of the brakes and what is going on here.

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