How I Got My Off Grid Land With No Credit & No Banks

9 years ago

I bought my land with no banks, no credit and no money down. Here is how I managed to buy my 56 acres of off grid homestead land in Upstate New York.

Read the full article here:

It all started about four years ago when Hurricane Irene destroyed my antique shop. I was working for free for a house cleanout company in New York City and was bringing home all the antiques to sell in my shop. Hurricane Irene buried the shop under 5 feet of flood water, destroying it all.

I was sharing an old Colonial home at that time with some other people and the house was also badly water damaged. We started to become sick from the mold in the walls so I moved out. I could no longer afford the rent anyway.

I was looking for a place to park my slide in truck camper to live in for a while. I was also looking for a trailer to pack my stuff into for the move. Online I found a trailer and went to look at it. The trailer was garbage but the property was beautiful and huge. I asked if I could park my camper to live in it but she said they had a room I could rent in the house.

So I moved to the house for a while and found a new job. This was to be my last normal job to date.

I got a free camper during this time that I was repairing. It was in bad shape but I was fixing it up and planning The Off Grid Project. It was to be a series of experiments in off grid living out on the property in the camper.

A friend of mine convinced me to move into an apartment with him and I did. It has a nice property as well with huge fishing ponds out back. I moved the camper there and continued my experiments slowly.

Eventually I lost my job and my landlord saw that I was making YouTube videos in the camper so he wanted to double my rent, thinking I was going to be rich. He basically gave me the boot in the middle of a blizzard if I could not pay. So I moved out into the old camper in a blizzard.

This was the real beginning of my off grid living. I started making daily videos and my channel grew.

I suffered many hardships during this time. I was back at the original property I had fallen in love with. I moved the camper to the meadow and was paying $200 a month with no utilities or anything else included.

It was good for me. I slowly improved my situation and eventually rebuilt an RV which I found online. I moved into that while gutting out the old camper which had served me so well.

It has been three years now and this summer I finally closed the deal on a land contract. I am buying the land that I love so much.

The talks and paperwork took us a year to sort out though. We had to negotiate the terms of the contract to be satisfying to both parties.

A lawyer helped sort out the legal issues of the paperwork to ensure it was legal and rock solid.

When we signed the documents, we did so in front of an official notary, who stamped it, making the contract official.

A land contract is a contract to buy land or a home directly from the owner. No banks are involved and there are no credit checks needed.

A land contract holder has all the rights of a home owner in the State of New York. This means that the seller has left all the rights to the buyer as long as the payments are kept up.

This is why I had the hunting rights to my land this year.

If you are looking for land or a place to homestead, the best thing is to just ask around. I found my place quite quickly but it took almost four years before I was a land owner of the same property. But the wait was well worth it in the end.

Many older people have lots of land that they no longer use. You can generally rent or purchase some land from them.

But check the local town codes and laws before you make any deals or commitments because some towns can be quite strict.

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