About That Psychology

2 years ago

I think most people can agree that serial cyber-stalker, cybercriminal, and sex pest, John Michael Ansevin/Mickey Farley is an obnoxious person with very little of interest to offer the online community.

What is mildly interesting is how John Michael Ansevin/Mickey Farley got to this point.

According to Mickey/John he was abused by his sex-crazed incestuous pedo mother, and that had irreparably damaged his young psyche.

John's mother was a cultist and probably influenced John to adopt Inmendham as his cult leader internet daddy.

This is why John holds paranornal beliefs while rejecting the paranormal musings of others.

John's father was weak and did not defend him from his cultist mother, so John needs his internet daddy to save him.

John's fictional alter ego Tony is the tough guy who can not be hurt by abusive parents, and John desperately wants to be Tony.

I would not mention any of this, but John has shown an interest in MY psychology, so I think it fair to discuss John's twisted psychology.


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