Off Grid Homestead Cleanup Prepping For Garage Sale

8 years ago

Chris, Melanie and I spent the entire day cleaning out storage containers to get ready for a garage sale. I am getting rid of all my old on grid appliances and things which I will never use again.

I have saved up my old appliances and on grid things all these years just "in case" I ever need them again. Well, four years have passed by and they are still in boxes. It is time to clean house and get rid of all this stuff.

I also have some collectibles that will never fit inside the tiny house on wheels. Neither do I have time for such things these days now that I am homesteading. Living on a homestead is a full time job in itself.

All my hobbies from the past such as collecting coins and comics are going to be sold off.

I used to have an antique shop and kept some of the finer things for my home back then. I had a very nicely decorated home. But now with the off grid tiny house on wheels, it is time to get rid of all these things. There is no room for a lot of decorations or collectibles inside a tiny house on wheels.

I am also thinning out my survival and camping gear. Through the years as I improve my life and camping supplies, I stuff the older things into boxes and leave them. It is time to sell the extra stuff off to someone who can use it all.

It took us all day because the mice made a mess of the boxes so we had to clean literally everything. We also tossed two wagon loads of stuff that the mice had sadly destroyed.

We hope to go to the garage sales in the morning if the weather permits.

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