OFF THE GRID - Game Teaser Trailer (2023) Neill Blomkamp

1 year ago

I am a huge fan of Neil.
This reminded me of two things, 1. The airship cominn in to land: From my comic book series, which we are trying to find the right artist for. 2. One of Phillip K Dick stories where the computer takes ove everything and then removes humans for efficency.

Directed By: Neill Blomkamp
Produced By: @gunzillagames
Check out the first full episode of Off The Grid Cinema, giving us our first taste of the world of the dystopian battle royale shooter and directed by District 9 creator, Neill Blomkamp.
#offthegrid #game #action #thriller #trailer #2023

Off The Grid is an upcoming cyberpunk Battle Royale multiplayer shooter game from Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium) and Script Writer Richard K. Morgan (Altered Carbon, Crysis). Set on a dystopian tropical island, 150 players fight each other in PvP skirmishes, as well as PvE storyline missions using the same map inhabited by other players in real-time. In the game, you shape the story and the gameplay.

About Maphunkson:
Artist, Comic Book Creator, Writer, Pop Culture Convention Director
I also run my own comic book studio, Plunge Studios NZ, here in beautiful Whangarei, New Zealand with a couple close friends.

Keep both eyes out for our upcoming comic books.

All round nutcase here's where you can find me...

Article 19 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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