Preparing for a Move of God

1 year ago

Preparing for a Move of God

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: Mark 13:5-8, Luke 12:35-48

Before we get into our text, I want to share some random thoughts that ran through my heart as I pondered the title of this message.

In Gen.35, right after Jacob had returned home from the Uncle Laban ordeal.
God told him to go to Bethel, to dwell there and build an altar to God.
So in preparing for this move, Jacob told his household to put away any foreign gods, purify themselves and change their garments.

In Ex.19:10, 14 Moses was up on the mountain with God and God instructed Moses to go down and consecrate the people today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes.

In Josh.3, the people of Israel were going into the promised land the next day. And Joshua spent that day instructing the people how to prepare for the promise of God. Ver.5 Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

In Mat 25:1-13 in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, when a cry was heard, “behold the bridegroom is coming…” ver.7 “they trimmed their lamps.”
Basically they lit their lamps and put things in order for his coming.
It was here the separation took place – the wise had prepared extra oil. The foolish hadn’t prepared and their oil was not enough.

Last week we looked at how Daniel responded when it was time for God to fulfill His promise.

I asked us to begin praying Dan.9:17-19 “Hear our prayer, fulfill Your promise.”
Like Daniel, put into our daily routine prayer concerning God’s will being done “on earth as it is in heaven.”

This kind of prayer should move from routine to expectant prayer.
A Heart Shift.

When / How do couples prepare when they find out she is pregnant?

How do we prepare for a move of God?

Luke 12 - This section of Jesus’ teaching, along with parallel verses found in Mark 13:33-37 and Matthew 24:42 are often used to teach about the second coming of Christ. But the focus in Luke12 is broader than teaching eschatology (end time events). The focus and emphasis are on faith and trust.
The Scripture frequently involves different layers and angels, so it is important to not use a Scripture just for my favorite meaning.

In reading these scriptures, I want to point out the teaching of Jesus to His servants to “be ready to minister to Him.”

Lk.12: 35-48

All the way through this section, a major point is: “what is important in the Kingdom is obedience and preparedness.”

Mark 13:5-8 ver.8 These are the beginning of birth pains. NIV
It is interesting that Jesus didn’t describe these events as death throws, but as birth pains.

When my life seems to be falling apart, could it be that God is actually putting it back together?

Is it death I’m experiencing or new life?
What is God birthing in what seems an ending?

What are the promises we sing? He makes old things new! He brings dead things to life!

He restores – He breaths life into dry bones – into dry places.

Where do we say Jesus lives? Deep in my heart.
So I need to look at the deep areas of my life to see life.
I turn my attention to Jesus within me – I’m not trying to fix things, just linger with Him.

You can’t have birth without intimacy.

Take Away Points:
What am I doing to prepare for a move of God?

Are there things in my life that I have allowed that are offensive to God? Places I have compromised that I (like Jacob’s family) need to get rid of?

Am I consecrating, sanctifying myself (setting myself apart) for God?
Or do I divide priorities in my life between what I know He wants, and what I want?

What do I allow to cloth me that needs to be changed / washed?

What ministry am I embracing – am I involved in? If not why?

As a servant of God, do I live in a state of readiness to hear and fulfill my master’s will?

What is God wanting to breath life into for my life?

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