All in oneness, all in joy and flowing with the source is the path of the Wayshowers

2 years ago

Still in silence away from the mass thoughts of a world gripped by delusion are the wayshowers who hold forth a beacon to the seekers for light and freedom. They cast no shadow as the inner light shines. They walk in stride up the mountain to attain the enlightenment of the truth of fire. The spirit walks within and the soul calls to ascend the lighted pathway home.

Of the world it is manifest as a dream of billions. The dream is a dream, an illusion of the fallen, those who have drifted away from the river that flows to the source. This world that is an illusion travels to future worlds to find fear and despair. The illusion of fear and despair block the inner light of awakening to those sleeping within the dream of this time.

It is not your time, nor your dream that they who are in pain and confusion live. The Teachers of Light give you the guidance to be and share the thoughts of the higher light and love of the source of all that is. With sensitivity bring your heart to center and hold the inner light in constant vision. Experience the enlightenment of telepathic union and your awakening will be instant and everlasting. All in oneness, all in joy and flowing with the source is the path of the Wayshowers.

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