Single-Sex Bathrooms Based on Biology is Not Discriminatory

2 years ago

We’re told that we must ignore basic biology and pander to the psychosis that sex is something we can change at will. Such is the situation with the case Adams v. School Board of St. Johns County, FL. Drew Adams is a minor girl pretending to be a boy. Even though the St. Johns County School Board has made accommodations for Ms. Adams delusions, she’s still not happy. She wants to use the boy's bathroom, rather than the sex-neutral bathrooms that were specifically set aside for the very few confused students. She is so insistent that she, through her mother, sued the school district in federal court.

The Circuit Court looked at the decision from the District, along with the questions about the Equal Protection Clause and Title IX, and came to the quite reasonable conclusion that having single-sex bathrooms based on biology is not discriminatory.

Personally, I would have gone a step further and said that Ms. Adams’s request was a truly discriminatory act here since she wished to deny the 2,445 students in Nease High School the opportunity to...

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