Private Criminal Prosecution of MPs | Mark Devlin Talks To MOB On The Good Vibrations Podcast

1 year ago

Originally published 16/10/2020 on YouTube, with the information written below in the video description, this was the first of an incendiary series of podcasts by Mark Devlin and Michael O'Bernicia, many of which have been heavily censored.

Yesterday afternoon we received confirmation that the partners of the firm of barristers we are talking to about the case against Parliament are all in agreement - the case is one that can be won, despite the hurdles that we will have to get over to achieve that.

This means that we are now moving forward into the preparation of the court papers, including an affidavit containing all of the allegations of fraud, treason and genocide.

It will be the first time allegations of treason have been made since the aftermath of WWII, whilst genocide is a crime under international law and the such allegations would almost certainly be dealt with in the Hague.

Nevertheless, with Liverpool and Northern Ireland already under regional lockdown diktats , as well as Newcastle and London having been threatened with the same, along with the rest of Britain [save for the more affluent areas], we are aiming to lay the charges in a criminal court as soon as they have been properly drafted.

We will also be seeking an order placing the entire cabinet and their advisers under house arrest, to prevent the rogue government from attempting to murder more people [as well as its opponents, under the new homicide enabling act] with purported statutory impunity.

Here's a conversation I had with Mark Devlin this week on that very subject and much more. Please listen and share fare and wide.

Find all Mark Devlin's work here:

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