Censored By YouTube | The Antidote To COVID-1984 is Magna Carta 2020

1 year ago

The Antidote To COVID-1984 is Magna Carta 2020, a new Declaration of Rights. Please watch, like and share this video far and wide, the most censored video of all Bernician content deleted during COVID-1984, originally published 23 August 2020 on Facebook and YouTube.


Yesterday, a Common law Grand Jury unanimously agreed that both Parliament and the government nullified all claims to legitimacy by breaching articles 1 and 2 of the declaration of Rights 1688 and the Bill of Rights 1689.

A Unilateral Declaration is therefore being prepared which will declare that, in the absence of a legitimate Parliament or government, Magna Carta 2020 will comprise the restoration of the Common Law, in the event it is duly executed, for and on behalf of the People.

Magna Carta 2020 - Declaration of Rights was then signed by twenty two Britons, in front of 22 witnesses, on the 22nd day of August 2020, by and for the People of Britain, for the singular purpose of restoring the rights, freedoms and protections guaranteed by the Common Law.

Tyrants never give back any freedoms they try to take away - the People have to take them back. So it's time for this nation to stand up and fight for what's right because the future of all our children is in serious jeopardy when we let tyrants run amok.

All rights reserved under the Treaty of Universal Community Trust.

#PowerToThePeople #MagnaCarta2020

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