The Reality of Truth

1 year ago

NB: At the end of this docu-film the credits are shown. When the credits roll off the screen, there's another additional 4:18 minutes of extra footage. Don't miss it! 😊🙏🏼
This documentary explores the relationship between, Spirituality, Religion, and Psychedelics. The film explores the many myths about reality, and includes first of its kind interviews with top spiritual gurus, celebrities, and people of all faiths, about this intriguing connection, and their personal experiences with spirituality and transcendence. Throughout history human beings have searched for gateways to spirituality that have included meditation, prayer, and natural substances. The Judeo Christian religions, Vedic traditions, and Shamanistic rituals, all incorporate techniques focused on transcending. Today scientists are able to measure the effects, real and perceived, on the human brain and mind. By exploring how to use the current knowledge and techniques available to society, we can tap into true spirituality, and awakening. The awareness created by the film worldwide is meant to break through the "illusion of reality," and allow viewers to move forward, toward a more meaningful and peaceful future. The filmmakers are conducting interviews with today's thought leaders from around the globe, while capturing the culture and energy of some of the most spiritual places on earth, including Maui, Peru, Rome, and Fairfield Iowa.
While the title encompasses the film, there is so much more to it. This film speaks to the nature of connecting to ones true Nature, and how to efficiently do so. Thus allowing information from ones soul to speak through our human "AVATAR" filter, so we as a species can be at the causality of the experience of reality, rather than be at the effect experience of the fear and reactive masses. In short the contributors share through their personal journeys (on film) as they each learn that they must first gain understanding of ones true Nature, through a guided lucid experience of the mind soul connection. They each in their own way learn through this lucid effect that the experience connects the two, 'mind' and 'soul', efficiently and effectively awakening and connecting the pathway of communication between the two. I must point out that they came to the concept of using the plant based lucid mind effect from a result of a very informative and eye opening journey, of first investigating through interviewing a vast array of professionals and highly regarded people in the mind body connection fields from around the world. These experts gave their honest and open opinions to include scientists, doctors, Gurus, instructors, religious leaders and specialists in related fields finding out that they all had the same conclusion on how to best achieve this result. This film was made from an open, honest, loving and caring intent that is evident throughout this production.
This life-changing documentary film explores the relationship between spirituality, religion, and psychedelics and the potential of healing with plant medicine and Ayahuasca.
Hosted by Michelle Rodriguez and Mike "Zappy" Zapolin, the documentary explores the many myths about reality. Filmmakers include first-of-their-kind interviews with top spiritual gurus, celebrities, and thought leaders of all faiths.
Discover the intriguing connection human beings have with spirituality and transcendence.
Featuring: Michelle Rodriguez, Michael Zapolin, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Ram Dass, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Bruce Lipton, Gerard Powell, Aubrey Marcus, Foster Gamble, John Hagelin, Peter Coyote, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Laurent Levy
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