
2 years ago

It's time / for some rhymes / ten piece call me dime / up the way I climb / covered in grime / cold is the clime / ate / ape like I'm prime / but not primeape / appa and affe like my father of mine / my eights will put you forwards in time / the world was designed / by a divine / power the son that is alive / make waves like I'm sine / see the signs / in the sky and inside / on the incline / in my eye / there is fire / thought I died / but I'm alive / in my works I am behind / almost like I'm waiting in line / to arise / but the only outcome from that is I will surely be denied / my effort I must apply / if I'm late I shall never arrive / staked and deprived / to turn my soul from water into wine / my true post I shall never resign / don't throw your pearls before swine / separate don't combine / there is a proper division do not be blind / rise in your shrine / don't be forsaken to a lie /

Playing fifa in some filas / you cant keep up / better speed up / viva la vida / hahaha like I'm Peter / the bird is the word / no peta / im a seeker / smoking reefer / like seegar / non believer / I'm a receiver / meters / deeper than any creature / but I'm soaring like a free bird / greener than a creeper / toking out the beaker / am I my brother's keeper / satan is a deceiver / don't be meager / and a sleeper /

I do not be lie under a ruse / that feeling of pride does nothing but consume / can't deny your life is what you choose / rather comply and subside like you got nothing to lose / all lies are derived from the one and only truth / the hive mind in pursuit / to deprive / we've been connived / it's jive / think everything is fine / while two entire kingdoms collide / can you define crime / I'm ein like Einstein / need to contrive / to abide / mark of the beast / trip six / 9 next to 99 / 3 6 9 / it's all the same like a ray / like a line /

Im sure it's really difficult to grasp what I'm saying / all religions are cults and they're preying not praying / i am devote the foundations of all I am laying / the powers to be revoked I will return from my straying / Satan has no hold I shall forever be remaining / speak the new and old it's all in my phrasing /

They say / to obey / the state / they rape / it's a game like RuneScape / when you betray / you have to repay / sewings underway / I'm super with the cape / I'm here to convey / the way / of ydvh / a valet / not a slave / all was forgave / a fuck you never gave / scared of the shadows so you stay in the cave / never went over the wall just laid in wait / already dug your grave / we don't even the real time of a year or decade / oh the way we've decayed / shooting pretty high but really low was the aim /

I dont have time for my own problems / or those things that you make up in your head whatever you call them / when it comes to reality I'm as serious as solemn / I'm an outcast unwanted in soddom / batman living in Gotham / pretty awesome / when you get to see the fruit blossom / I like physics in the field of quantum / from the top to the bottom / out of all the seasons I prefer autumn / I'm a beast man / ion play dead like a possum /

Worshiping obelisks that resemble a phallus / nephilic presences that resonate in pure malice / going down the rabbit hole you could call me alice / walking down the yellow brick road looking for the emerald tablets / successor like I'm a caliph / feeling like caesar living In my palace / turn the lights on and you can throw off the balance /

Jacked like I'm cactus / rap this like wrapping / I'm active / still need practice / but my tactics / are better than average / goku to raditz / I am an erratic / fanatic / searching for the fabrics / fighting the psychosomatics / sequences all systematic / everyone's like a barbie made of plastic / acceptance is automatic / it's tragic /

I was blast back into the past / as I passed some gas / cuz this gas wax and hash / got me cashed / I'm crashed / smoking out the ass / going back to back / bowls bongs and wraps / but I prefer the glass / mix and match / the packs / smoked 19 strains out the stash / I've amassed / had me smashed / burnt like an ash / I smoke so much when I'm around foggy is the forecast / I got that weed that won the cannibis cup / actually a few but I'm talking pink runtz / gg2 and 4 / snoops dream and the breath of the mendo / Im smoking on my gasious greens in my elemento /

Alright alright alright like I'm randy / pink like I'm Floyd / feeling dandy / rocking with my boys / I'm the man of candy /

I'm causing damage / like a manic / they can't manage / they panic / I'm volcanic / not satanic / I know my botanics / I commanded / the titanic / until it was sunk in the Atlantic / that 400 mile stretch I swam it / and in Canada I landed / I was frozen on the coast I was stranded / im from another planet / more solid than granite / I love pomegranate / no matter the seed it can be planted / My illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator / time to destroy earth / marvin the martian the bandit / allegories you can't under stand it / they planned it /

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