Tripping With No Luggage

2 years ago

Tripping with no luggage

The firest fucking fungus a mufukas ever indulged upon.

Picked some Mazatapecs / threw em in the brew / shit got me blasted / straight to the moon /

Highly acidic bases of vinegar, water, and juice / but barely any liquid to concentrate it into stew / 14 grams grind it up throw it in wait an hour or two / but don't boil it through and through / maybe the first 5ish minutes but then let it seep until it's true / strain that shit out and it should be blue / now you have yourself a one way trip to Timbuktu /

So I drank it up and I'm and tripping / the come up was really different / im twitching and dripping / feeling really sick in my body I'm hearing clicking / then in 30 minute I'm in it / think I hit my limit / infinite / on a lil trip going for a visit / visuals is looking explicit / I'm shaking like I'm fridgid / but I'm sweating too much liquid / try to drink and there's a bump in my throat / when I breathe I can feel it why the fuck did I hop on up this boat / row row row / oh my God this is terrible / pick up the book I need some parables / feeling holy now it's bearable / from revelation to Genesis / same pages same messages / all of my transgressions and sins / then the depression kicked in /

as I read I realized the beginning is the end as the end as is the beginning / alpha and Omega / the earth isn't revolving or spinning / life didn't start in Asia / the whole / completeness / I bear the light of the father / although I'm sinning I'm still fertile like vega / I am ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven, within / like the bread that is leavened I have risen ascended / I hold regalness and royalties beyond all fathomable / I am the creation of love, light, and truth / a disciple / I go against all that is seen as rational / a watchman / I am saved, once famined, poor, and sick but now i am healed / a non resident, non alien, non national / Ephesians bear the armor, sword, and shield / all that was ever taught to me in school and television was a lie manufactured by entities and powers that rule the sub reality our physical beings exist in that we could never even begin to merely comprehend / an absolute falicy that brings everything to an end / the brainwashing has been so consumed by society throughout the thousands of years weve been falling from grace / there is no where left to defend / all grounds have been salted and condemned / no one thinks anymore, no one is their own man or woman / they all stand under hues, colors, colors of law / they know not / and will never contend /

Then all of a sudden from behind me was a luminesce that shined so bright and put me in awe / I started to bawl / and said father / then down came the hand of God / he held me in his palm and said everything is fine / I cried more / looked to my right and saw a prismatic crystal of infracted light suspended in mid air / his might was so strong / I've never been so enticed to do right in life / then it instantly went wrong / when you're at your peak height Satan wants you to fall /

Then a hissing and rattling serpent came along / tisking and babbling telling me I'm wrong / he showed me images of those like carved into Aztecs walls / an ancient language queztalcoatl he is called / he told me everything I just witnessed was manifested into my perception because my sub and concious minds were intwined, alligned almost to perfection, I am being tested knowledge is the fruit and bit it / tapped into the wrong energy or maybe the right / so I'm asking questions / what is his intention / then me mentions a weapon beyond all comprehension / it's deception / then maybe that is the fruit / what is the truth / I'm lost I'm feeling loose / loosing my grip I slipped out my boots / he won't the shut the fuck up and I'm losing my shit / then he says it's me doing everything and this what I get / trying to tell me that I'm god / and that's why it's mirrored to dog / telling me the world is mine and I could make everything fall / then the trip died down and I thought that was all / but boy was I wrong /

That rattling in my head would come back from time to time / when I would try to sleep he'd creep and rattle telling me lies / it happened for months I'd say half a year / it died down a little ago but I know hes still here / not to mention when I closed my eyes / I'd see every etching ever inscribed / Id have a dream just by blinking and my heart rate sure as fuck rised / I thought I put myself to my demise / schizophrenic from the cybes / any vibe that is caught I can ride / major euphorias highs / heats spots all thorought out my body / feeling like I'm on a cloud in the sky / I'd start tripping balls when my fruits were ready to pick / I couldn't even know but somehow I did / in was really in some shit /

Now anytime I ingest psilocybin / my body rejects it / it gets violent / I'm puking up stomache and I really mean it / the mucus won't stop running and I'm hearing all these demons / everything looks all funny but it feels so demeaning / I know most things can make you sick but what the fuck am I eating / I'm mixing toxys and tonics / mixing strains / mitchikawan it / go a day without food so there's nothing to vomit / I think I tripped for 4 months straight I was really fucking on it /

Then once I went to abstract world / you couldn't even imagine / I've seen everything there is to see / there were orbs in the air glowing very flamboyantly / the thinking man was everywhere and there was all this circuitry / then I met another snake but he slithered on every s / he would steal everything Id say / couldn't even get out a breath / my mind had 3 seperate thoughts racing at the same time and only one was mine / nothing was divine / the snake is full of lies / the other one was two entities unified / couldn't understand them at all / but for certain that serpent can surely in speak death /

Then once I was trapped inside of a time prison / and I couldn't tell if everything that once was is now or isnt / I'm sat in one position / I can't move like I need permission / I am being watched but they're hidden / there's something I must be missing / thoughts are stuck in repetition / then I hear the hissing / that fuckers back and I really didn't miss him / he comes almost like tradition / to torture is his mission / I can't stand him hes worse than a politician /

Both of those were off the maza's but the one time I ate the menace / I traced a fly the entire way around around the room / as he zoomed / and I could see him perfectly I was truly in tune / got my eyesight back just off of a shroom / but when I would look at my phone i couldnt even see the screen / almost like my eyes couldnt render this debased machine / it was all white and fuzzy and sort of felt osbcene / almost offended me / like what the fuck even is this thing /

Mushrooms are some fucked up things / came across some fucked up beings / might seem intriguing / you wanna peek it for yourself / until you're sleeping and seeing what you're receiving / and slowly diminishing your health / decreasing in yourself / losing your fucking mind / and there's no way to help

I say stay away from these shits cuz I honestly think I'm half fucked for life

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