Reality Check

2 years ago

Reality check / brace for wreck / reality check / brace for wreck / hit the deck / watch your neck / i don't mirror i project / it's about to get hectic / from the day you're born you're subjected / and effected / by undetected / fallen entities physically manifested / the artificial intelligence collective / invented by demented / evil ones that are selected / for thinking they've transcended / and are exempted from armageddon / they've nested and wedded / with the dreaded Satan they've consented / reality is all perspective / there is no reality without perception / you have sight but you reject it / to be blind is to be in wreckage / true sight is inside you just have to accept it / I'm here to give you heaven / if you're in deception I'm to correct it /
souls been divested / we have all been injected and infected / with nano tech that is dis and reconnecting / receptors and nueral networks / rendering our brain ineffective / electromagnetic frequencies / embedded in all technology / no scientology / it's knowledge prophecy / all i see is prof I see / no phar i see / no vanity / i am outside of sanity / no such thing as calamity / walk on the water Galilee / water is your soul in all actuality / we exist within analogies / think physical and spirituality / they exist within a duality / which is actually singularity / true polarity / you're backwards don't know rationality / in the mirror world an actual fallacy / just go with the flow your mentality / row the boat i need my salary / fuck my vitality / I'm living in legality / i worry about my calories / everything else is of triviality / what is ethicality? / What is morality? / I don't know hospitality / i live in normality / i sit in my house taking selfies and save them in my gallery / post them on instagram i don't know sociality / i play video games all day it's my specialty / i don't wanna go outside because i have allergies / I'll sit inside and watch the birds fly through the glass door to my balcony /

I have been selected to be a prophet / i am a disciple the word incarnate / the truth in this plane i am walking and talking / exodus exit her the harlot / I'm pneumonic / the chronic / protector from evil like onyx / I'm on it / I'm cosmic / quicker than sonic / shake the plates tectonic / sipping tonics / on my way to platonic / no bionic / no altering anatmonics / smack down robotnik / i am actually atomic / I'm bombing like osama the psy op / run on no comma / smoking marijuana / in nirvana / in a field full of nicotiana / there ain't no iguana /

Yeshua hamalech ayuduh / eyeh / ruik adonnai / the holy Trinity / yeshua hamashiuch / josiah the christ / our saviour in divinity / i pray for thy kin and thy enemy /Tribe of Judah, Zion, David, adam, the lion / i don't care what you're high on / there is no curvature on the horizon / why would it be the rising sun if that's what we were in orbit of? /

I am the light / i am the truth / i am the breathe of life / i bring to you / what you might find / to be what you've been searching for / all this time / you're the gospel / it's inside / you're an apostle / you're divine / just as abraham ready to sacrifice / just as Moses broke the tablets / just as christ slayed by the masses / just as david slayed goliath / with one stone he defeated the giant / if you open your eyes there is no denying / everything shall fall but the word will abide /

everything shall fall but the word will abide

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