Eyes On The Stars; Weekly Vibes, February 28th 2023

1 year ago

Hi Everyone,

This week is good for cleaning up residual energy and planting newly refreshed ideas. This week can heal you; this energy can help to fully dissolve the old beliefs transmuting them into higher aspirations. We are completing a cycle. It is time to really move forward. With Aries Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron conjunction, we will be healing our relationship with ourselves and our ideas and path forward. Knowing who we are and feeling a deeper connection to who we know, we are becoming.

March 2nd, 4th, and 7th are important days this week.
Virgo Full Moon on March 7th 2023, the day Saturn changes sign into Pisces; this is no coincidence. The gods are pushing us to purge, illuminating where we still need to heal, to grow up, to raise our standard and vibration; to call in more light, and drop all the distractions; things will start getting hot and move very fast from here on; so it is best to get very focused on where you sit with yourself and take new actions in new ways to build up your energies to hold higher frequencies and consciousness.
Use the magical energy of Jupiter Venus to show up for you and reveal you're true strength. The strength required to reinvent and align with a higher calling. Aries, the trailblazer pioneer, the warrior, the one who enjoys battles though he also enjoys initiating new paths. Use this fire well; it will warm your soul and light your internal flame.

And so it is


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