Company CLONAID cloning humans for 20 years from the Raelian religion

1 year ago

CLONAID company website

@2:39 mark is the founder of CLONAID Brigitte Boisselier.

STORYLINE: Cloning threatens to change man's relation with nature and many are worried it opens a Pandora's box of dark possibilities for the human race. That asexual reproduction is possible is beyond doubt, and proof exists in the form of Dolly the sheep. But just what it could mean if humans are cloned? What rules should apply? What if the technology gets into the wrong hands? One movement in the forefront of cloning human embryos is the Raelian sect. Its founder describes all human life as a cloning experiment organised by aliens. The Raelians are completely serious about cloning and confident they will succeed

Source: AP ARCHIVE YT channel

2 articles from 2002 & 2003 of successfully cloning human beings.

Clonaid Promises Proof of Cloned Baby- December 30th 2002
A 7-pound baby purported to be the first human clone is due to arrive in the United States today and will face DNA testing as a group that sponsored the birth tries to prove to a skeptical scientific community that the child is indeed a clone.
Brigitte Boisselier, the chief executive of Clonaid, a cloning company affiliated with a religious sect that believes aliens gave rise to life on Earth, told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America that scientists will be offered all the proof they require within a week.......
Clonaid says it's cloned first boy- January 23th 2003

TORONTO, Ontario (CNN) -- Clonaid, the company that has claimed to have cloned two baby girls, announced Thursday that a third cloned baby, a boy, was born Wednesday to a Japanese couple.....

Clonaid founder Brigitte Boisselier (born 1956), also known as Brigitte Roehr, is a French chemist and Raëlian religious leader best known for her claim to have overseen the creation of the first human clone.
Brigitte Boisselier is belongs to the Raëlian religious.
Raelian Movement Symbol: The use of a Nazi Swastika intertwined with a 6 pointed star of David- Judiasm.

Playing God: the faces behind controversial baby cloning | 60 Minutes Australia- June 29th 2021

It seems the movie "The 6th day" (2000) with Arnold Schwarzenegger was more PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING.

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