Liturgical Sacramentary of Imbolc: Ecclesia Seclorum

1 year ago

Apart from the Christian sacraments or mysteries, the use of signs and seals are nearly universal if not wholly so. As Augustine has said in Latin “In nullum nomen religionis, seu verum seu falsum, coadunari homines possunt, nisi aliquo signaculorum seu sacramentorum visibilium consortio colligantur” .

Roughly translated, apart from the popular translations, it means “Nothing which is named in religion, whether true or false, which has the power to unite humans, does not, at some time, use visible signs or sacraments to draw together their community.”

These signs draw together families, friends, societies, into a cohesive whole to experience and express the Mystery of the Divine.

With each of these, one can experience grace, and when they are written down, if the community be so inclined, others can learn as well.

Here in the Liturgical Sacramentary of Ecclesia Seclorum, the Irish celebration and season of Imbholc can be shared and celebrated in its mysteries so that all can enjoy through its perusal .


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