March 2023 Psychic Predictions: The Truth Is Coming Out...

2 years ago

I totally forgot to mention bitcoin! I see it going down in the first 2 weeks and then trying to come back up but possibly going back down again in April just a little more. Could be a good time to buy. More info on my patreon.

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March 2023 The Truth Coming Out
Vision: tall skyscraper being hit by bolt of lightning coming from god to expose the corruption of the industrial corruption. People rising up and speaking out.
Yellow, bright, action oriented. Resting is over, big changes.
Biden: Negativity creeping up behind him. Picks up a box and he sees rats. There is information being leaked that is bad for him. Military information will be leaked. There is division in the US about this but also a lot of confusion. Bidens dignity is being stolen from him, pirate ship, he is trying to climb a ladder to get away from the suspicious people around him. Social justice seems to be coming for the US government. Things of the past seem to be leaked. Regardless Biden continues on with future plans. Joe Biden remains powerful throughout all of this despite a growing resistance against him in the US. China seems to be becoming a bigger issue geopolitically. Boat sinking and making waves in the Atlantic Ocean, only a minor set back.
Big boat around Atlantic Ocean associated with the US. Has to do with US controlled areas being infringed upon. China? This seems to worry Biden and cause issues for future plans with ukraine and future European economic outlook.
People startled by unexpected news. I see a flying saucer UFO exposing itself and frightened cats of curiosity falling raining from the sky like old ideas that are no longer believed. Sudan Patreon.
Humanity is moving onto a new path this month. People are changing course and moving into a more high tech future. I do see this being a month of chaos that is necessary to create more peace in the future. It seems that this is changing the path of humanity into a more peaceful and loving direction in the long term. Many of the institutional lies are being cast aside and the institutional corruption is not being allowed to persist into the future of humanity at the same rate that it had in the past. This is a decision made by the human collective of earth with the assistance of other forces in the universe. There is a lot of brainwashing that the mind is able to break out of this month. People are waking up to their true nature which is a lot more peaceful than they may have realized in the past. The human collective is strong. Our spirits are saying "we do not want this any more". The earth feels relieved, calm, peaceful.

Biden seems to be pushing harder on Ukraine but Putin seems to be pushing less but not losing any ground. Putin seems at ease and this seems like a better month for Putin than Biden. China is creating fear in the US. This will be handled tactically by the US and I don't see this escalating into outright war, despite there being a political push for war coming from both sides. I see this being a threat for the next 3-6 months but I don't see it happening. However I see an alarm going for March in regards to China. This seems to be a very cleaver sneak attack against the US in some geoplitical/economic manner that fizzles away by the end of the month. Lots of international news that brings the US into an alarmist state. but remains inactive. Geopolitical tensions are high this month.
This is the start to the beginning of some changes to planet that will continue for the next couple months at least,a sif humanity has reached a new level of vibration. We are really leaving the past behind now. I see a dark energy over the US and the rest of the world. The earth is in a state of shadow work. This has always been there but it is more noticeable now due to the shadow work being done on it. This will not change everything, but it will awaken many people.

People are able to see the truth easier, clairvoyance is enhanced as the earth energies shift. I see the earth letting in energy into a layer of the earths atmosphere that had previously been stagnant, energy moving in closer to earth and causing a storm for the darker energies. I still see some evil looking energy floating around earth, but on the more physical planes of existence I am seeing the winds of change coming in and really starting to shift things of the past. lies are being exposed and the sword of truth prevails.

Important month to stay grounded, practice grounding meditations. Righteousness will prevail this month. Stay true to yourself and what feels right for you.

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