Michael Moore clip about Trump from 2016 👀

1 year ago

Dan Scavino

Those of you who haven’t seen this clip, it’s from Michael Moores 2016 film “Michael Moore in Trumpland”. It went viral in 2016 thanks to Trump & right wing media sites.

It might surprise you this film was in fact about convincing you NOT to vote for Trump.

Immediately following this clip, Michael says it would feel good for only a day….

Now why would Trump and Dan Scavino post that clip, knowing the extended context was about not voting for Trump?

Welcome to information warfare.
Trump & allies weaponized their very own propaganda against them.
It is happening again now.

Michael Moore was both right & severaly wrong.

Right— 2016 was the biggest FOOK YOU recorded in human history.

Wrong— We have NOT ONCE regretted voting for Trump. In fact, our love for him has grown, he’s gained MILLIONS more supporters in 2020, & it was another BIG FOOK YOU.

Dan posting this again tells me they know it’s going to be BIBLICAL!

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