Immigrants Speak Week 7: Stop the Marxist Takeover of Our Libraries

1 year ago

Today we talk with Ms. Xi Van Fleet about library books. Ms. Xi survived Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution, where young Red Guards were indoctrinated from a very tender age, and a whole generation grew up to have no sense of conscience or moral values and they would do anything, no matter how atrocious, to fight for their "cause". After fleeing China, Ms. Xi studied in the US and obtained a degree in library science and has been passionate about book collections in our public libraries for a long time. She shows us children's books that she has found from her local public library and discusses the purposes of public and school libraries pushing these "woke" ideologies on children. We see a similar trend in today's US schools' and public libraries' promoting age-inappropriate books and events for young children as it was done in the Mao era. #CRT #communism #librarybooks #indoctrination

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