How to tell your frequency

1 year ago

If you are ever curious what frequency you are vibrating out, just look around.

The mirror of our reality will tell us very quickly and it’s often a hard pill to swallow.

Once you see it you can’t unsee it.
You can only choose what to do with it.

You can shift your energy and watch the energy shift around you
or shift the energy you are surrounded by and watch how different you feel.

Either way it’s always your responsibility to discern what you need and who you want to be in your field.

It is also important to remind you that whenever we make energetic shifts, there is a delay in the physical manifestation because we are residing in a dense (therefor slower) field.

Focus on the feeling and that will eventually create a new reality ❤️

If you desire guidance my spirit team and I would love to help, sessions are available.

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