"Berth" Certificate Banking Bond Innerstanding

1 year ago

The Vatican owns most of humanity in the form of humans being traded on the stock market as a commodity. Your birth certificate is a banking bond rendering you a slave. We have all been deceived from birth. Our ALL CAPS NAME "strawman" is a corporation not a man or woman. Elites use legalese English, (Latin origin) to manipulate and control us through the way we communicate. English was a language created for the slaves of Egypt, so we can be controlled through spells (spelling), cursive (curses) and writing (writs/hexes). Know the English alphabet letters are black magic witchcraft symbols. UNIDROIT/ Uniform Commercial Code/ Maritime Law is enforced all across Earth. Here is a video I made for you out of pure love, awareness, and truth:

"Berth" Certificate Banking Bond Innerstanding:

Cestui Cue Vie Act of 1666

The CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST is an account you inherited due to the bankruptcy of the U.S. in 1933 and the subsequent ceasing of all the citizens gold, silver, and other assets as collateral.

This account contains millions of dollars in YOUR ALL CAPS name. The only problem is, the government and legal system failed to inform you about it, and how to access your TREASURE (treasury).

In the meantime, they are drawing down on it for their own personal use and as payment to the Vatican and the English crown. It is the funds contained in this CESTUI QUE VIE that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in when dealingnwith courts! They don't give a fuck about you. They want to know if you are too stupid to know of you are dead or alive and know how to present yourself under God's natural law.

This Trust actually pays all of your debts but nobody tells you because the Elite consider those assets to be their property and the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the management of those Investments. Your Social Security; SSI; SSD; Medicare, and Medicaid are all financed by the Trust, and has an overflow so high every man woman and child in America would be a multi millionaire if they knew how to offset debts with their accounts.

The government makes you pay TAXES and a potion of your wages supposedly to pay for these services, which they can borrow at any time for any reason since they cannot access the CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST to finance their Wars or to bail out Wall Street and their patron Corporations.

You may receive a monthly statement from a Mortgage Company; Loan Company or Utility Company, which usually has already been paid by the TRUST. Almost all of these corporate businesses double dip and hope that you have been conditioned well enough by their Credit Scams, to pay them a second time. Instead of paying that Statement next time, sign it approved and mail it back to them. If they then contact you about payment, ask them to send you a TRUE BILL instead of a Statement and you will be glad to pay it.

A Statement documents what was due and paid, whereas a TRUE BILL represents only what is due. Banks and Utility Companies have direct access into these CESTUI QUE VIE Trusts and all they needed was your name; social security/N.I number and signature.

Your birth certificate is the banking bond certificate verification proof of slavery. You social security card is your account number. Your ALL CAPS NAME on a license is a LIE OF YOUR SENSES because your identity is your living flesh. You are NOT your living flesh. You are the living man or woman IN THE FLESH. We are not lost dead vessels at sea. Judges where all black robes representing the dead because they are warlocks and witches; for only GOD can judge.

Colorable court of law means law is a fake Hollywood MOVIE show, unless falsely believed to be otherwise because a slave or ALL CAPS NAME DEAD ENTITY (AKA YOU) believes authority is truth, literally giving goverment slave masters control over governing your mind. Government comes from the Latin word Gubermente and guber means to control and mente means the mind. #MindControl

This is literally mass slavery under the Vatican and Rome... Who knows how satanic it really gets...

Strawman Facts At Bedtime With Monk Zylio
Part 1 of 2

Strawman Facts At Bedtime With Monk Zylio
Part 2 of 2

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